Thursday 29 July 2010

The West Country

I've just spent a few days back "home" visiting my parents.

Lots of sea and very blue skies,

boats bobbing in the river,

Devon teas to be enjoyed,

space and peaceful surroundings,

and beautiful sunsets.

I have come back recharged, refreshed and with a rekindled longing to return to the area I grew up and/or to live nearer to the coast.


Moonroot said...

Fabulous photos! Glad you had a good time.

Heddwen said...

Looks lovely there, we miss the sun! it's been cloudy here in Wales for over a week so thanks for posting your pics

Heather L. said...

I love the term "The WEst Country" -- it seems so romantic. I loved your pictures, especially the Devon tea -- I would have loved to have joined you. Exactly the kind of tea I love.

Simply Authentic said...

So glad you were able to take a restorative trip home for yourself! It looks BEAUTIFUL, absolutely beautiful. I always love your ability to convey so much through your photos and a few simple but perfect captions. I have a feeling you were able to get quite a lot of thinking done too.... :)

abby said...

My parents live in the west country too! I love the area, it was toss-up between returning there or Shetland! Like the cake pics - time for tea methinks! Glad you had a lovely break, always good to get away and have time to think x